If you’ve been making Amish Friendship Bread for a while, you’re used to the Cinnamon-Sugar mixture that’s sprinkled on the top of the bread right before baking, as well as dusted inside of the greased pans. Some people ask me if they can skip this step. Of course you can! But why would you?
A secret ingredient
The cinnamon-sugar mixture is an Amish Friendship Bread staple, just like the starter. It’s what helps make the bread different from the rest.
Dusting the greased pans with a cinnamon-sugar mixture gives the bread an extra crunch while helping pull the bread away from the pan during baking. It makes every bite a little extra special.
Still not convinced? Do a taste test! Using the exact same Amish Friendship Bread recipe, grease and flour one pan, and grease and dust the other with cinammon-sugar.
After adding batter to both, dust the top of the second pan. Leave a comment below telling me which one you prefer.
Mix up a batch
You can mix up a small batch every time you bake Amish Friendship Bread, or you can prepare 4 cups in advance and store it up to six months in an airtight container.
I use a shaker container so it’s easy to use whenever I feel like baking, which for me is weekly.
Gift a jar
Recycle old spice jars or pick up a set of shaker jars (look at this adorable set of 14, with a strainer and chalkboard labels). These make great gifts, too! Use any of our free printables to print out a label, and gift it to friends and family with a bag of starter and the instructions for Amish Friendship Bread.
This cinnamon-sugar recipe below is for one recipe (two loaves) of Amish Friendship Bread, but you can easily double, triple or quadruple the recipe. In addition to using it with almost any Amish Friendship Bread, you can have it on hand for any of these recipes, too:
- Amish Friendship Bread Cinnamon Twists
- Amish Friendship BreadCinnamon Rolls
- Amish Friendship Bread Sticky Buns
- Amish Friendship Bread Monkey Bread
Cinnamon-Sugar Mixture
- In a small bowl, stir ingredients together until well mixed.
- Store in a air-tight container for up to six months.
Keep a shaker on the table just like salt and pepper. Makes my daily bowl of oatmeal much better and keeps me from using the unhealthier instant oats.
Yes, we love that, Cyndi! ♥️
My cinnamon sugar crust is sticking to pan?!
Hi Pam! How thoroughly are you greasing your pan before you dust it with cinnamon-sugar? If my bread is sticking to the pan, it usually is because I didn’t grease it well enough. ❤️
Is there a way to make this starter and bread that I can use Almond milk or another form of non dairy items?
Hi Carolyn! Yes, you can definitely use non-dairy milks for your starter and bread! Check out our FAQ page in the section, “Getting Started with Amish Friendship Bread,” for more on what type of milks work welL!
Hello I too love cin/sug mix, but being a total noob baker, & only a rudimentary level of a cook n general I could only dream of what possible recipes I could use it n due to fear of ruining things. Ty for the quick and easy recipes, as well as the proper ratio of cin to sug. One question tho, what is the best(quickest and least prone to messes)way to integrate the two. My mother God reset her soul always told me the best mixing tools n any kitchen are the two you were born with(hands)but I mix 4 about 10-15mins & still the cin seems to all settle at the bottom. Is there a better way to mix, or is this normal ?
Hi James! We usually just stir the sugar and cinnamon together in a bowl with a spoon. However, if you feel like that is taking too much time to mix, you could also try putting the sugar and cinnamon in an airtight container and give it a vigorous shake! Usually, when you store this mix, you do have to shake it up a bit before you use it, as well. Happy baking!
Yes, I do use the cinnamon sugar mix to dust my pans and add to the tops.
Other than AFB I also use it on buttered toast, french toast, muffins and freshly baked pretzels. I store it for multiple uses? Thank You!
So far, I’ve been making one loaf in a regular pan, and the other in a non-stick. Don’t seem to notice and difference, except that the non-stick isn’t as receptive to the cinnasugar as the regular pan. Not that either of them give me that thick coating this page shows.
The first time, I made a 1-pudding-bag batch with no “extras” and they came out fine. The second time, I tossed in some leftover chocolate chips and forgot the pudding, and they both left their bottoms in the pans when I tried to coax them out.
Cinnamon-Sugar mixture has so many good uses, to make Cinnamon-Sugar Butter, Dust the baking pans, Dust the tops of the bread or muffins, sprinkled on buttered toast and then pop under broiler for a few seconds, sprinkle on leftover pie dough and bake- great treats.
I use it for all my basic Amish friendship bread. I make it in bulk, and it in a large Parmesan cheese shaker.
We have a jar of cinnamon-sugar mixture as well. The best part about it is that it never goes bad. We use it primarily as a topping for recipes like cinnamon toast or snicker doodles. We have never dusted pans with it, but that is a great idea.
I make AFB atleast once a week. I only forgot the cinnamon and sugar 1 time and I missed it. I keep a shaker of it filled and use it on lots of my baked goods. I like it on the foam of my lattes too.
I love cinnamon and sugar. Never thought to dust the pans with it. will try it. love it on toast.
I keep cinnamon and sugar mix stored in my cabinet just in case I have the craving for it which is often and I love the original bread with it yyyuuummmm
I have used cinnamon sugar for topping lots of things but never thought about using it as a coating for the pan. I am going to try this next time I bake a sweet bread. Love the little sweet and cinnamon as well as the cinnamon helps to break some of the bad stuff sugar does to us even though it just tastes so good!
I have not used cinnamon sugar mix to dust my pans or breads before. I will be in the future! I use cinnamon sugar mix for my oatmeal crumb toppings and love it sprinkled on buttered toast or waffles. I always have some on hand for toast, but I make it fresh for each recipe that calls for it!
I love cinnamon & sugar on just about everything! I keep a jar mixed up and use it like salt or pepper! I dust my pans and shake it on top of breads & cakes – even pies!
I used this mix for cinnamon buns
I keep a containner of the sugar/cinnamon mixture on hand all the time. We use it on top of french toast and cream of wheat. It’s handy to have a supply at the ready so it is one less step, especially if you are making multiple loafs at the same time.
I have not tried this, yet! Will try my next batch of bread.
This stuff is magical. I use it on toast all the time.
I have a container of cinnamon sugar for my toast . I’m sure this will be my new favorite!
I keep the cinnamon-sugar mix in my spice rack at all times. I use it for oatmeal, toast and of course, my Amish Friendship Bread.
I use cinnamon-sugar to dust pans and the top. Of course I use it on my toast and it reminds me of my grandpa, so I have a shaker to use whenever I need.
I do not use the mix, I prefer the plain outside. I don’t like cookies or muffins with a crunchy top. I know, I’m weird!
I have always used a lot of cinnamon and sugar, but never thought to line the pan with the combination. I will definitely try this with my next sweet bread,
I keep this mixture in a shaker container with lid, then when I want to sprinkle it on anything like good ole buttered toast sprinkled with the mixture. A favorite of mine since childhood
Geez, how have I missed this hint? “blond at work” (faux that is) I love this and will totally do it!
I always use the cinnamon-sugar mixture! I always keep some on hand, too, since I grew up eating cinnamon-sugar on buttered-toast!
I’ve never sprinkled my pans with cinnamon sugar but I am going to try it. I use the mixture on the top of my fruit pies. I’m going to mix up a jar of it and keep on hand.
I dont care for cinnamon but this is the only time I use the cinn/sugar blend.. makes the bread so nice
I keep a jar of Cinnamon sugar in my cupboard. I like to use it on toast and to top recipes. I’ve never used it to dust pans but I think I’ll try it now!
I have never used it to dust the pans but I have sprinkled it on top and make it ahead of time so we can have cinnamon toast whenever we want.
Hmmmm, I posted here on the 9th and it didn’t show up… So I’m trying again!!!
I never thought to use cinnamon sugar as a dusting for the baking pan, but it sounds great! Definitely will do it the next time I bake. Usually cinnamon sugar is for an occasional piece of toast or a snickerdoodle, but after reading everyone’s posts about how they use it, I will be keeping it on hand more often!
Thanks for the giveaways, I Love them!!
I use cinnamon sugar to dust my pans and sprinkle on top of friendship bread. I keep it made up and use it a lot
I love cinnamon sugar.. Although I sometimes get the ration wrong. I usually just mix up a batch as needed and save the remainder for oatmeal in the morning.
I love the flavor and texture that cinnamon-sugar mixture adds to the recipes. I also like sprinkled on “churros”.
I definitely use this on the original recipe. It definitely makes a difference!
I love this mix and I do keep it made up! I do not dust my pans without the cinnamon sugar!!!!
This is the only thing i’ve ever used. Gives a special crunch. Yum
Cinnamon sugar is my favorite. I also like to add diced apples with it. OMG the smell!!!!
I use cinnamon-sugar to dust my pans and top my bread. I love the crunch it gives the bread! I also keep a shaker for my french toast.
I always have this mixture for cinnamon sugar on hand in a shaker container. Use it on toast, rice pudding, other cereal and baked goods. Definitely use to dust the AFB pans! Thanks
Yes I do use the cinnamon sugar mixture for multiple uses. I keep it in a Tupperware canister with my baking goods can’t believe I never thought to put in a shaker. I always spoon it in loaf pan and shake it around. OMG
Thanks for tip of making the cinnamon sugar mixture in a big batch and saving it for later. I have made it both with and without. My daughter and I prefer it with the mixture.
I have made this both with the sugar-cinnamon mixture and without. I do prefer it with using it as it gives it so much more flavor. I make a batch of starter and when it is ready, I freeze some and bake with some.
Yes I use it to dust the pan and on the top. I do not make it ahead and store it.
Yes I dust my pans and sprinkle on top!
I love love love the cinnamon sugar lining for Friendship bread!! It really does make the difference!! It works for cookies too.
Who doesn’t love cinnamon and sugar? It’s definitely my second favorite part of the bread, my favorite being the nice, soft, fluffy insides! But without that cinnamon and sugar mix, the Amish friendship bread is just not “right”! I only make it when I’m baking the bread, though. I don’t make it in advance or anything. I’d forget that I already have some and then make more anyway. LOL! I am *sssooo* forgetful!
I have never thought of that!! I only use it for cinnamon toast lol!
I always have cinnamon sugar mixed up and ready to go, we sprinkle it on everything from oatmeal, French toast, buttered toast, baked sweet potatoes, cinnamon rolls. I mix up my own and keep it in a large shake container that I’ve used for 25 years. I did however use it a new way recently when I tried one of your recipes, dusting the pan with it per your instructions, whooo game changer. Thanks for all you do.
I keep the cinnamon sugar mixture ready all time! It was the special added touch my Gram used in her baking also ?!
I keep a cinnamon/sugar mixture on hand all the time because I use it for many different breakfast items.
Can you use sugar-free pudding to make the bread?
Hi Beth! You can definitely use sugar free instant pudding to make your Amish Friendship Bread. In fact, our recipe for Amish Friendship Bread (Sugar Free) calls for Sugar-Free Cheesecake Instant Pudding. Happy baking!